Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Despicable Deeds of Like / Share

Call me anti-social or simply obstinate, but I truly dislike being told to take action that I believe is benign participation, which in reality disguises someone else’s gain to further their agenda.
My focus: the ubiquitous “Please Like / Share” tease on inspirational, thought-provoking or humorous photos / texts, posted on social network platforms.
Though this article does not strictly reflect the art of writing, it does apply to what we publish or the creative writing / art we link to in our social networks.
It’s time for a rant …
1) As early as 2011, reports noted that MANY (if not most) of those contrived heart-string messages are tied to advertising or at worst, malicious software, and every time you Like / Share it, someone somewhere chants cha-ching!