Thursday, August 30, 2012

Static Pages Could Be Sabotaging Your Business (Challenge below!)

So tell me – how many pages does your website contain? Five? Fifteen? A hundred or more? Large companies’ sites stretch into the thousands. Even with a website team, maintaining more than two can be time-consuming. And time is money.

Oh, and please don’t tell me you don’t have a website (or blogsite). Have you published a book? Do you own a business? (No matter how small – home based qualifies.) You MUST have a website. Are there true naysayers anywhere who disagree? I seriously doubt it.

It doesn’t really matter how many pages you maintain because the top five viewed are generally the most important. Why? For whatever reason – your marketing, backlinks, their popular searchability – interest in their hype or content has driven people to them. As such, they are your site’s foundation.

Good for you! Enticing people to your website is difficult. Of course, keeping them there and ensuring they click on your Buy Buttons is even trickier. But as an editor, I know one element of your website that once created is often neglected in updates, and just might be the biggest cause to losing your visitors’ interest.